Essential Learning Objectives

Essential Learning Objectives

  • Paper cover
  • 16 pages
  • 0.12 lbs

Item #8-ELO

  • $11.50

Essential Learning Objectives
for Math and Language Arts
Grades Kindergarten through Eight


This product reflects the conclusions of the Basic Skills Assessment and Educational Services teaching staff and their associates relative to basic learning outcomes to be expected of students grades kindergarten through eight in the areas of language arts and math. Five instructors whose teaching experience extends from kindergarten through college collaborated to identify what may be regarded as essentials. It is not coded to any particular curriculum.

The learning objectives contained in the following pages have been simplified. It should be used as a reference tool, a means to check the progress the student is making as compared to a set of criteria. As home educators, our goal is not simply to finish our books. Rather, our goal is to see that the skills taught in the books we are using are grasped by our children.

The following list of learning objectives is simple to use. Each objective is listed in terms of a specific performance that may be expected of the student after instruction has taken place. The grade level(s) at which each objective should typically be mastered (mastery being defined as being able to demonstrate the objective 80 percent of the time in a given setting) is listed to the left. In some cases, two grade levels (i.e. 2-3) are listed showing that mastery of the objective in question is not to be expected of all children at the same grade level.

Consider these learning objectives and the associated grade levels to be flexible standards. If you child is not mastering various objectives, do not conclude that this necessarily means a learning disability is the cause. Lack of mastery may indicate that different teaching methods should be used. It may also indicate that the chosen curriculum has been designed to move at a different pace. It could be that the child is a late bloomer who, given sufficient time, will catch up. You may wish to consult with a seasoned home schooler or professional educator sympathetic to home schooling for possible causes and solutions.

Table of Contents

  • Kindergarten
  • Language Arts (Grades 1-3)
  • Math (Grades 1-3)
  • Language Arts (Grades 4-6)
  • Math (Grades 4-6)
  • Language Arts (Grades 7-8)
  • Math (Grades 7-8)
    • Weight
      0.12 lbs
    • SKU
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