Better Safe Than Sorry
- Soft cover
- 192 pages
- 1.296 lbs
Item #41-3241
Real-life stories, tips, and more—a guide to everyday safety
Accidents seem to be a part of life. Almost every day we hear or read of people getting hurt. Maybe it's a bicyclist who gets hit by a car or a hunter who falls out of a tree stand. Or a house catches fire. Accidents happen so often that we almost get used to them. But could many of them be prevented? Are there things we can do to avoid being the next one who gets hurt?
This book presents real-life stories of accidents and calamities people have experienced—often because of unwise choices—and what they have learned from them. Some of the dangers might be surprising: How can small watch batteries turn out to be deadly? Why should bicyclists be aware of "dooring"? How can you shoot a hole through a window with an "empty" gun?
This book will answer these questions and provide a wealth of other safety information. It will help us go through life as God intends—by trusting Him while also applying wisdom and common sense.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
Home and Community Safety
- Bomb in the Basement... and on the Stove
- Burned in the Bathtub
- Just a Pot of Hot Water
- Click! Went the Latch
- Watch Those Stairs!
- A Little Boy... on a Little Mower
- No Treats, Please!
- Keep Medicines Up and Away!
- Are Accidents God's Will?
- Are There Exceptions to Safety Rules?
- Little Bad Batteries
- Kill Those Germs—Before They Kill You
- Fun on the Ice
- Water: Friend and Foe
- Batter Up... Pitcher Down!
- Kidnapping—Mom's Greatest Fear
Fire Safety
- Scorched Kitchen for Breakfast
- Don't Burn the House with the Hotdogs!
- Firing Up the Old Wood Stove
- House Fires: Dark, Quick, and Deadly
- Fire Extinguishers?—Give Me Four of Them!
- Please Set My House on Fire!
- Sprayed by Hot Foam
- The Candle That Lit the Island
- Chimney Fires
Farm and Logging Safety
- Blinded by His Own Knife
- Where Are the Children?
- Bulls, Rams, and Bucks
- Almost Gassed to Death
- Dilemma in the Manure Pit
- Grain Engulfment: It Only Takes Two Seconds
- Burned by the Drinking Cup
- Crushed Head... and Heart!
- Rolled Alive
- Skid-Steer Monsters
- When Can Johnny Drive the Tractor?
- It Didn't Stop!
- Just a Little Hydraulic Oil
- Tractor Rollovers
- Prepare to Meet Thy God... While Plowing
- PTOs—People-Tangling Objects
- Praises in the Woods
- Watching Out for Those with Disabilities
Shop and Construction Safety
- Why You Don't Read Safety Warnings
- Knot in the Eye
- Hastening to Cut Off His Thumb
- A Safer Table Saw
- Walter's Welding Woes
- Stretching Your Ladder
- Did You Say Hearing Safety?
Gun/Hunting Safety
- POW!
- Boys and Guns
- Don't Fall for Venison!
- Sharpen That Knife!
Road Safety
- Three Glasses in a Backpack
- Filpped by the Gravel
- Thinking Deeply and Broadly About Safety
- Two-Wheeled Safety
- E-Bikes: More Power = Harder Wrecks
- Pedestrian Safety—Mom Was Right!
- Avoiding the Grave—Be Seen!
- No Time to Tie the Horse
- SMV—Sign of Multi-Use Versatility?
- A New Pony Cart
- To Be Seen or Not to Be Seen?
- Consistency in Road Safety
- When Being Right Is Dead Right
- ATV + ROV = 2 Funerals/Day
- Endnotes
- Photo Credits
- About the Author