The Twila Stories

  • Soft cover
  • 126 pages
  • 0.426 lbs

Item #4-264495

  • $9.95
In stock (3 items available)

Twila understands what is most important in life. What can we learn by watching her?

Twila sells fresh bread, cheese, and eggs in a mission setting in Bolivia. Twila loves the Lord, but that doesn't mean her life is problem-free.

When Juan Montoya not only refuses to pay her but also laughs with his friends about cheating her, what should Twila do? Is Twila supposed to be thankful when she tears a hole in her favorite powder-blue dress? And how can Twila tell the "spider woman" in the marketplace about God when the spider woman believes that Twila is a daughter of the devil?

The Twila Stories is a collection of teaching stories, originally crafted to be shared aloud with children and youth. Twila is not a real person, but she represents the many Christians who turn to God to find answers to life's challenges through prayer, the Scriptures, and godly counsel. She is a role model for all of us.


  • Acknowledgements
  • Foreword
  • 1. Juan Montoya
  • 2. Good-Boy
  • 3. Wedding in Paraguay
  • 4. Grandfather
  • 5. Powder-Blue Dress
  • 6. Marcia-Joan
  • 7. Spider Woman
  • 8. Sewing Machine
  • 9. Manicho
    • Weight
      0.43 lbs
    • SKU
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