Free Indeed! - Book (softcover)

  • Paper cover
  • 263 pages
  • 0.704 lbs

Item #1-2521

  • $10.20
In stock (2 items available)

Also available in the "Free Indeed!" study course and in hardcover.

Jesus said, "If the Son... shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." Certainly He came to set our spirits free, but what does that do for our emotions? How do we deal with worry, stress, injustice, disappointments, depression, bitterness? This book does not pretend to offer all the answers to every possible problem we might face. But it does offer us resources to draw from, and it points to the One who not only has the answer but is the answer!

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • 1. An Overview of the Emotions
  • 2. What Is Being Free?
  • 3. The Problem of Bondage
  • 4. The Freedom Jesus Promised
  • 5. The Freedom Jesus Provided
  • 6. Being Free Indeed
  • 7. Freedom and the Emotions
  • 8. Freedom and the Blues
  • 9. Freedom and Trouble
  • 10. Freedom and the Fear of Making Mistakes
  • 11. Freedom From Hurts of the Past
  • 12. Freedom and Spiritual Failure
  • 13. Freedom in Disappointment
  • 14. Freedom and Disillusionment
  • 15. Freedom and Discouragement
  • 16. Freedom and Depression
  • 17. Freedom and Bitterness
  • 18. Freedom and Attitudes Toward Self
  • 19. Freedom by Self-denial and Cross Bearing
  • 20. Freedom and Worry
  • 21. Freedom by Forgiving
  • 22. Freedom and Rejection
  • 23. Freedom and Injustice
  • 24. Freedom and Responsibilities of Life
  • 25. Freedom in Stress and Fatigue
  • 26. Freedom and Contentment
  • 27. Freedom and Perfectionism
  • 28. Freedom and Faith
    • Weight
      0.70 lbs
    • SKU
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