
The Lost Doll and Other Stories

  • Paper cover
  • 218 pages
  • 0.698 lbs

Item #1-2309

  • $10.75
In stock (3 items available)

Doris can't find her doll. "I'm sure Leona took it, and I'll never get it back," she tells Mother.

But Mother is not so sure. "We won't blame Leona, or anyone else, for taking your doll," she says to Doris.

Doris learns an important lesson when she discovers who the thief really is.

What should Kyle do when his friend throws stones at the pigs?

Mark is bored when his brothers and sisters go back to school. "There is nothing to do," he tells Father. But Father has an idea for him.

"I'm hungry enough to eat a whole cow," Luke declares. He likes to make things sound bigger or greater than they really are. But is he saying the truth?

Children will enjoy this collection of stories for four- to seven-year-olds. Each story teaches a practical lesson for real-life circumstances.


  • 1. The Lost Doll
  • 2. I Wish I Were a Squirrel
  • 3. A Different Day
  • 4. Sitting Still in Church
  • 5. Lamar's Balloon
  • 6. "I Love Her"
  • 7. The New Bird Feeder
  • 8. Love One Another
  • 9. Sticking With It
  • 10. Dale and His Candies
  • 11. Better to Wait
  • 12. A Kind Big Sister
  • 13. Mark's Busy Hands
  • 14. Little Lost Girl
  • 15. "Be Content"
  • 16. Luke Learns About Exaggerating
  • 17. A Willing Worker
  • 18. Little Lessons From Father
  • 19. Timothy Sleeps Upstairs
  • 20. Dennis and the Chickenpox
  • 21. Dwayne's Happy Day
  • 22. Hungry Chicks
  • 23. Thankful for Eyes to See
  • 24. Elaine Remembers to Obey
  • 25. Henry Loves His Sister
  • 26. Joy in Giving
  • 27. Calvin Helps
  • 28. Rachel's Fingernails
  • 29. Mervin's Special Shoes
  • 30. The Cupcake Temptation
  • 31. The Happy Visit
  • 32. Adam Shares His Birthday
  • 33. Happy Family
  • 34. "Be Ye Kind"
  • 35. Mother Knows Best
  • 36. Elmer and the Raisin Cake
  • 37. Helping Mother
  • 38. Delmar and the Scissors
  • 39. Why Tabby Scratched
  • 40. Afraid of the Dark
  • 41. Tractor Trouble
  • 42. Rosemary's Shoes
    • Weight
      0.70 lbs
    • SKU
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