Prairie Child
- Paper cover
- 239 pages
- 0.59 lbs
Item #4-265665
Rilla loved her home in a small farming community on the windblown Alberta prairies. Surrounded by a passel of fun-loving cousins and siblings, Rilla reveled in the joy of carefree moments and shivered through frightening ones: a night raider, an angry bull, a hailstorm and blizzard, and a runaway '56 jalopy.
Rilla endured her share of growing pains, and the public school she attended tested not just the three Rs but her character too. Guided by watchful, loving parents, Rilla thrived despite her mistakes.
Running through these rollicking stories from the author's childhood are shining threads of love and laughter, warm family relationships, faith, gratitude, and God's care. Prairie Child is a book the whole family will enjoy.
- Author's Note
- 1. Homeplace
- 2. Night Raider
- 3. Summer Daze
- 4. Country Church
- 5. White Columbine
- 6. Night Walk
- 7. August Rush
- 8. Just Plain Mean
- 9. The Tightening of the Web
- 10. Prairie Blizzards
- 11. It Doesn't Add Up
- 12. Home and Free
- 13. The Old Green Jalopy
- 14. Johnny Dee
- 15. Sixty Bushels
- 16. Jerry Muskrat
- 17. "It's All About the Baby"