
LJB - Josie's Surprise

  • Soft cover
  • 32 pages
  • 0.17 lbs

Item #1-2807

  • $4.20

A Little Jewel Book.

A little brown hen may not be the most common kind of pet, but Sally and Susan mother her as much as their dolls. So when Josie disappears one day, the girls become quite concerned.

In this story, children will learn about trusting God's care for us in sad times—and how God sometimes answers our prayers with a glad surprise.

Josie was a little brown hen. She belonged to two little girls named Sally and Susan.

When Josie was a chick, a piece of wood fell on her wing and broke it. Sally and Susan took care of her, and soon Josie's wing was healed. By then, Josie had become their pet.


    • Weight
      0.17 lbs
    • SKU
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