Eyes for My Heart
- Hard cover
- 269 pages
- 0.92 lbs
Item #1-2231
Ida Weaver, and outdoor-loving, fourteen-year-old, is quite content on her family's Indiana hog farm. Sure, farm life would be easier if the two brothers who had died in infancy were now able to help her father. But she would be the farmer!
Then Father begins to wheeze. What is this strange disease that reacts to farm dusts and that secretly saps Father's strength?
And Mother? Diabetes has already undermined her health, but now her eyesight is growing worse.
Ida rebels at the disappointments, decisions, and necessary changes that take place in the family. But through each experience, loving and godly parents are guiding Ida until, like them, she finds the "eyes of [her] understanding be enlightened."
This book will help middle teenagers and older youth to relate properly to the perplexing situations and choices that they themselves will face.
- 1. Saturday Morning
- 2. Saturday Noon
- 3. Saturday Afternoon
- 4. Sunday Morning
- 5. A Rainy School Day
- 6. A Beautiful Night
- 7. A New Lease on Life
- 8. A Long Day
- 9. The Verdict
- 10. A Trip to New York
- 11. The Blind Jews
- 12. The Little Washstand
- 13. Eyes of Faith
- 14. The Heavenly Vision
- 15. Retinopathy
- 16. Waiting Room
- 17. "Anoint Thine Eyes"
- 18. The Damascus Road
- 19. Bob Enric
- 20. The Waterfall
- 21. The Funeral
- 22. Blue Leaf Falls
- 23. To the Hospital
- 24. Facing Facts
- 25. A Day at Creek Bend
- 26. Braille
- 27. Sight for the Blind
- 28. Maple Hollow School
- 29. Amazing Grace
- 30. Sky View Drive
- 31. Mysterious Way
- 32. The Greatest Blessing