Grade 4 Math Speed Drills
- Paper cover
- 168 pages
- 0.54 lbs
Item #1-13471-3
Speed drills for Progressing with Arithmetic.
This tablet contains a speed drill for each even-numbered lesson of the Grade 4 math course.
The speed drills are designed to be used every two days. Their purpose is to develop speed and accuracy in basic mathematical skills. Each drill is numbered according to the lesson with which it should be used. The time limit for most speed drills is two minutes.
It is recommended that the teacher record grades every two or three drills, or about once a week. If grades are to be recorded, give pupils three minutes to work instead of the usual two. Allow even more time for some drills, as noted in the teacher's guide. The grade should reflect accuracy first and speed second.
For the scoring of speed drills, a number of points has been assigned to each item. The scored is obtained by multiplying the number wrong times the number of points for per item, and subtracting from 100.