Caterpillar Green
- Hard cover
- 139 pages
- 0.68 lbs
Item #1-2155
Also available in Spanish and German.
Words are broken into syllables, and pronunciation is included with harder words to help the beginning reader.
A charming little story of a schoolroom of children, who follow the step-by-step wonder of the green caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly.
Winter days bring excitement and suspense; and finally spring brings the miracle.
Told in both prose and poetry, the style of the story holds appeal to little children who listen with fascination as the story is read to them, as well as to children who are able to read it for themselves.
Boys and Girls:
Do you like true sto-ries? Cat-er-pil-lar Green is true because (bē-kôz) the main part of the story real-ly hap-pened.
After you read the story, run to your gar-den and look for Cat-er-pil-lar Green. If you find him, do just like the stor-y says, and God will make a sur-prise for you.
- 1. Cat-er-pil-lar Green
- 2. Cat-er-pil-lar Green at School
- 3. The Win-ter House
- 4. The Se-cret Sur-prise
- 5. A Chase in the Night
- 6. Up and A-way