Maria's Refuge
- Hard cover
- 384 pages
- 1.414 lbs
Item #7-71813
Fodda had no trouble selling his shelled corn as it was scarce that year. But he did not always use his profits wisely. One evening he left after supper without saying why. "Where's Fodda going?" Maria asked Mutta.
Mutta looked very sad. "Why don't you help me wash dishes this evening?"
As the two worked alone in the kitchen, Mutta explained Fodda's addiction to wine.
After the dishes were done, Mutta gathered the girls around the kitchen table and lit the lamp. She told the story of how David faithfully served God even when Saul tried to kill him. "You see," she said earnestly, "God was David's refuge and his strength in his times of trouble. He will be ours too, if we trust and obey Him!"
Maria never forgot what Mutta said. This promise was like a shelter in the storms of life for her.
Maria's Refuge is a moving story of what God can do when a person makes God the refuge of his life. Follow Maria Peters Harder from May 1926—when her family joined others moving from Canada to Mexico—to April 2006—when Maria could say, in the words of her favorite song,
"World, farewell for I am weary,
Heaven beckons me to come;
Peace will be my lot up yonder
And my soul will be at home.
In this world is war and strife,
Vanities and cares of life,
But in Heaven there shall be
Peace and joy eternally."
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- 1. To Mexico
- 2. An Adobe House
- 3. "Mutta, What's Wrong?"
- 4. "Our Barn's on Fire!"
- 5. Disaster Strikes
- 6. Grousefodda's Visit
- 7. The Flood
- 8. A Collie Pup
- 9. Maria Makes a Dress
- 10. Selling Popcorn
- 11. A Snake in the Kitchen
- 12. Not Cornie!
- 13. Maria's Heartache
- 14. Too Good to Be True!
- 15. "Hands Up!"
- 16. Runaway Horses
- 17. Selling Firewood
- 18. Martin's Best Friend
- 19. Six Inches of Snow!
- 20. A Lesson in Faith
- 21. Two Anchors
- 22. A Cowherd
- 23. A New Mother
- 24. The Shadow of God's Wings
- 25. The Bridge Is Out!
- 26. Grousemutta's Wisdom
- 27. Buggy Rides
- 28. Baptism and Communion
- 29. Maria's Gloves
- 30. The Shooting
- 31. Maria's Wedding
- 32. John Braun's Offer
- 33. Little Henry
- 34. Soldiers' Barracks
- 35. Influenza
- 36. Trouble at the Cabinet Shop
- 37. To Mexico City
- 38. The New House
- 39. Famine in Durango
- 40. Leaving for Canada
- 41. New Beginnings
- 42. British Columbia
- 43. Three Guests
- 44. Moving to Babine Lake
- 45. Uncle John and Aunt Sarah
- 46. Ordination at Railway Avenue
- 47. A Very Sick Baby
- 48. The Tragic Accident
- 49. A Trip to Mexico
- 50. Fodda's Last Request
- 51. One Step at a Time
- 52. Spiritual Growth
- 53. "Nothing Shall Offend [Her]"
- Pronunciations
- Maria's Children
- Bibliography
- World, Farewell For I Am Weary