English - 101 Favorite Stories from the Bible
- Hard cover
- 215 pages
- 1.02 lbs
Item #41-x47-X
This volume pricing available mix-or-match with any language of 101 Stories.
Have your children heard how God made a path through the water for the Israelites, of the boy David and the giant Goliath, and of how Jesus loves the children?
In easy-to-understand words, here are 101 favorite stories from the Bible that have delighted millions of children all around the world.
Even young children who cannot read will love to look at the colorful, descriptive pictures. After each story, you will find a few questions to encourage discussion and help your child remember the story.
Bible stories are timeless and true. May God use the stories in this book to refresh you and your child's hearts!
See also:
Table of Contents
- God's Wonderful Creation
- Adam and Eve
- The First Sin
- Cain Kills His Brother Abel
- Noah—The Ark Builder
- Tower of Babel
- Abram and Lot
- Abraham's Sacrifice
- A Wife for Isaac
- Jacob Receives the Blessing
- Jacob Flees from Home
- Jacob Deceived, Wrestles with an Angel
- Dreams with Special Messages
- Joseph Interprets Pharoah's Dream
- Joseph's Brothers Come to Egypt
- Moses on the Nile River
- The Burning Bush
- Moses and Aaron Speak to Pharoah
- The Plagues
- The Passover
- The Red Sea is Divided
- God Provides Food in the Desert
- The Ten Commandments
- The Golden Calf
- Aaron and Miriam's Rebellion
- Afraid of Giants
- A Brazen Serpent
- The Donkey that Talked
- Rahab and the Spies
- Jericho
- Gideon
- An Army for Gideon
- Samson
- Ruth
- Rewards for Ruth
- Samuel
- Israel Demands a King
- Saul Anointed
- David—The Shepherd Boy
- David and Goliath
- David's Wise Behavior
- Jonathan and David
- King Solomon
- Building a Temple for God
- Elijah
- The Lord God or Baal?
- Elijah Goes to Heaven
- Naaman is Healed
- God Delivers Israel from Famine
- Jehoshaphat's Singing Army
- Esther—the Jewess
- Haman's Evil Plot
- Isaiah—God's Prophet
- God Speaks Through Jeremiah
- Three Faithful Boys
- Handwriting on the Wall
- In the Lions' Den
- Jonah and the Big Fish
- Zacharias and Elisabeth
- The Angel Gabriel Visits Mary
- Jesus is Born in Bethlehem
- The Shepherds and the Wisemen
- The Boy Jesus at the Temple
- Jesus is Baptized and Tempted
- Jesus Begins His Ministry
- Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
- Jesus Cancels a Funeral
- Miracle of the Fishes
- Jairus' Daughter and a Desperate Woman
- Bartimaeus Cries Out
- A Paralyzed Man
- Five Loaves and Two Fishes
- Walking on the Water
- Zacchaeus—the Little Man
- Quieting the Storm
- Jesus and the Little Children
- A Mountaintop Experience
- Jesus Cleanses the Temple
- The Good Samaritan
- Jesus Teaches Love and Forgiveness
- The Prodigal Son
- Lazarus Raised from the Dead
- Jesus Rides a Donkey
- The Last Supper
- Mansions in Heaven
- A Night in Gethsemane
- Jesus is Condemned
- Jesus is Crucified
- Jesus is Risen!
- The Empty Tomb
- On the Road to Emmaus
- The Great Commission
- Jesus Ascends to Heaven
- The Day of Pentecost
- Stephen—The First Martyr
- Philip and the Ethiopian
- The Conversion of Saul
- Peter's Vision
- Peter in Prison
- Paul and Silas in Prison
- New Jerusalem—Heaven and Earth
- Index of Scripture References