2025 Homemaker's Friend Daily Planner
- Paper (plastic coil bound) cover
- 302 pages
- 1 lbs
Item #4-846125
Designed for the busy homemaker, this planner will help you efficiently organize your schedule and de-clutter your mind. Includes pages for yearly, monthly, and weekly planning (2 extra transitional months included), as well as space for tasks, events, and addresses. A handy section of perforated pages in the back is included for weekly shopping lists—enough for the whole year. Thumb tabs, perforated page-corners, a magnetic bookmark, and contextual calendars make this a fast reference tool. Along with inspirational quotes, weekly Scripture verses point you to the homemaker's true Source of all help and hope.
Packed with friendly features:
- Page size: 5.5" x 8.5"
- 14-months for easy transitioning
- Holidays and Daylight Savings Time alerts
- Inspirational quotes heading each section
- Scripture promises for each week
- Contextual calendars on week and month views for quick orientation
- Tabs, perforated page-corners, and magnetic bookmark for quick reference
- Tear-out shopping lists
- Pocket storage inside back flap
This daily planner features an introduction highlighting the benefits of time budgeting, and then is divided into the following sections (with thumb tabs for quick reference):
- Yearly Calendar
- Monthly Calendar
- Weekly Planning
- Tasks List
- Projects and Events
- Information
- Shopping Lists
Yearly Calendar
This section has a place for basic notations. Now with the untitled sections, you have a place to journal or write prayer requests, birthdays, and quotes.
Monthly Calendar
This section gives an overall view of events on the horizon. This helps me to be more realistic with weekly planning, since I can see at a glance what will be happening over the next few weeks.
Weekly Planning
This user-friendly section helps you make the most out of your week and day. The "Task List" gives you a visual of what needs to be done, and you can divvy out those duties on specific days. Typically, I use a four-week menu plan, but I still write what is for dinner in the menu block.
Tasks List
These pages are untitled to give you the freedom to create monthly, bi-monthly or seasonal lists.
Projects and Events
This section is for occasions that need more space for writing like when planning a baby shower or a family gathering. Again, these pages are untitled for flexibility.
This section can be used for phone number and addresses that are needed temporarily, such as an address for a card shower or the information for the eye specialist.
Shopping List
These lists are perforated for your convenience. I use the shopping lists several ways—sometimes as a comprehensive shopping list and other times as a central location for items needed for an upcoming event, project, or menu.
Consult Your Planner Often
At first it may feel stiff like a new shoe, but the more it is used, the more you use it, the more it will feel like a friend. When scheduling, balance home responsibilities with other obligations to create a realistic schedule that is best just for today. It is typical to veer from a daily plan when urgent matters arise, but a written plan will refresh your memory and keep your focus on what is most important.
keywords: Homemakers