Christian Family Living
- Paper cover
- 324 pages
- 0.8 lbs
Item #4-241020
Practical, Step-by-Step Instructions From Training Toddlers to Caring for Aging Parents.
Christian Family Living breathes the air of home life—noise of children, rush of schedule, unexpected humor, family meals, catastrophes big and little, expectant mothers, worship, faith, heartache.
Christian Family Living is for fathers who want to lead their family in the way of truth. It is for mothers who yearn for the serenity of Grandmother, but who live more frequently with the spoutings of frustration. It is for young men and women facing the crosswinds of growing up. It is for parents seeking to avoid the pell-mell race into vanity. It is for those who are willing to be honest with themselves and their families, and willing also to be made godly.
Christian Family Living offers pages of practical, step-by-step instruction from training toddlers to courtship standards to caring for aging parents. At the end of each chapter are questions which can serve as a study guide and projects for implementing the ideas discussed in the chapter.
Christian Family Living is more than a book. It is a treasury, a heritage of truth, a guide and companion for families, churches, and individuals serious about things eternal.
- 1. Basic Family Concepts
- The Social Unit
- Heritage—Blessing or Curse?
- Cultural Pressures
- 2. Leaving Childhood
- Who Am I?
- Physical Changes
- Laying a Good Foundation
- Living a Pure Life
- 3. Dating and Engagement
- Why Are We Dating?
- Are We Ready?
- How Do We Go About This?
- What Do We Do Next?
- 4. Singlehood
- Why Am I Single?
- What Can I Expect?
- What Should I Avoid?
- How Can I Serve?
- 5. Marriage
- God's Plan—One Man, One Woman, Till Death
- The Godly Wife
- The Godly Husband
- Basic Needs and How to Meet Them
- Common Errors in Marriage
- Violations of God's Plan
- Correcting Violations in Marriage
- 6. Parenting
- Goals for Christian Parents
- When Is the Quiver Full?
- Training Children for God
- Guidelines for the Use of the Rod
- Applying the Principles of Child Training
- Controlling Anger
- What About Day-Care Centers?
- The Adopted Child
- 7. The Home and Church
- What Is the Church?
- Membership in the Church
- The Home and Church Working Together
- The Lord's Day
- 8. When Troubles Multiply
- Pain in Perspective
- Having Right Attitudes
- Physical Handicaps
- Mental Handicaps
- Caring for Aging Parents
- Facing Death
- Preparing for Death
- Losing a Companion
- 9. When the Home Breaks Down
- Wayward Children, Hurting Parents
- Wayward Parents, Hurting Children
- Wayward Partner, Hurting Partner
- Restoring a Marriage