
'Til the Thunder Sounds No More

  • Paper cover
  • 124 pages
  • 0.348 lbs

Item #28-1116

  • $6.95
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Faithful Christians in Guatemala's Civil War

"I don't want to frighten you needlessly, but violence is increasing here," an experienced missionary told me as we traveled the winding road toward Palamá. It was 1981 and I had just arrived in Guatemala to begin a two-year term as an assistant to John Troyer. I listened with passive interest, not concerned that anything could happen to me, and certainly not frightened. Five months later, John was slain and I was wounded by terrorist gunfire. What I had viewed with detachment became suddenly a very personal watershed in my life. This well-written account will bring to life the heartbreak and triumph of those years. You will become acquainted with these believers by their own testimonies. Let this account of the faithfulness and commitment of these suffering saints inspire you to a simple faith that endures at any cost.

—Gary Miller

    • Weight
      0.35 lbs
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