Growing Up with God in the Valley - [Hightower Book Series]
- Paper cover
- 231 pages
- 0.82 lbs
Item #21-04
From the Hightower Book Series. A sequel to How Big Is God?
Take a break from life and sit down with a child and read him or her a story. Relax in the valley of La Misión with Bob, Tricia, Tim, Rosi, and their new baby sister, Leah. Come with them as they make new friends and share God's good ways. Attending classes only half a day gave them plenty of time to roam the great out-of-doors in the year-round, spring-like climate of Northern Baja California, Mexico. Come with them swimming, fishing and playing on the rocks and the sand of the beach. Go with them climbing the rugged mountain, go bike riding down the steep hill from their little yellow house, or play at the neighborhood ball-field. Travel with them on mission trips over the mountains into barren deserts. Watch their dad pulling and filling teeth, or sewing up wounds, or baptizing new converts. Help them set up the big camp meeting tent in the valley and make memories that have lasted a lifetime.
- 1. What Should James Do?
- 2. Saying Goodbye to Grandma
- 3. A Kidnapper
- 4. Hunting a Place to Live
- 5. Exploring La Misión
- 6. Going to a New School
- 7. A Crazy Dog
- 8. El Alamo Camp Meeting
- 9. Getting Ready for the Tent Meeting
- 10. Angels in the Desert
- 11. A Sleepy Preacher
- 12. Falling into a Cactus!
- 13. The Stolen Sleeping Bag
- 14. More Changes
- 15. Living on the Lara Hill
- 16. Death in the Valley
- 17. The Little Yellow House!
- 18. Two Life Savers
- 19. Watermelons at Maria's
- 20. What Happened to Jorge?
- 21. A Lesson from Piloto
- 22. Leah Goes Fishing
- 23. An Empty Gas Tank and No Money
- 24. Will God do the Impossible?
- 25. The Dental Clinic
- 26. The Return of the Swallows
- 27. Angels in the Sky
- 28. Who Killed Piloto?
- 29. Two New Babies
- 30. A New Camera
- 31. Spreading the Gospel
- 32. A Scrape with Death
- 33. A Scrape with Death (continued)
- 34. Repairing Alejandro's Mouth
- 35. Win but Lose
- 36. Tires! Tires! Tires!
- 37. Leaving Our Home in the Valley
- About the Author