Grade 3 Math [PREV EDITION 1993] "Exploring Arithmetic" Set
- 5.12 lbs
Item #1-P-133--
This set includes: | # in My Cart | ||
Pupil Textbook | $16.80 | ||
Worksheets | $5.10 | ||
Speed Drills | $6.60 | ||
Teacher's Manual | $18.00 | ||
Worksheets Teacher's Edition | $5.10 | ||
This set includes: 5 items |
These 2nd Edition (1993-2012) materials are not compatible with the current 3rd edition (2023). Read about changes in Rod and Staff's revised Math curriculum...
This hardcover textbook has 170 lessons. It reviews addition and subtraction skills from Grades 1 and 2 and teaches multiplication and division facts through table 9 and simple two- and three-step multiplication and division. Other concepts drilled are fraction meaning, measure equivalents, money values, and telling time. Mixed computation and Roman numerals are introduced.
A small tablet of speed drills provides timed practice in the basic facts. Extra practice in math facts and reading problems is provided by a set of optional blackline masters for teachers to copy as needed.
The teacher's manual gives detailed instructions for class and shows the pupil's page with answers filled in.
The worksheets booklet was developed as a supplemental add-on after feedback indicated many students needed more preparation for the grade 4 course. These tear-out sheets provide additional concepts beyond those taught in the textbook, as well as advanced practice to help better prepare students for the next grade.
The worksheets teacher's edition is the answer key for the worksheets booklet.
Supplementary items (not included):
- Blacklines (reproducible exercise sheets)
- Blossom and Bee Poster Set (also used in Grade 2)
- Addition Flash Cards
- Subtraction Flash Cards
- Multiplication Flash Cards
- Division Flash Cards
- Small Addition & Subtraction Flash Cards
- Small Multiplication & Division Flash Cards
- Math Facts Speed Drills Packet
Contents of Teacher's Manual
- Materials for This Course
- An Overview of This Course
- Teaching Aids
- New Skills Listed by Lessons
Lessons 1 - 170
- 1. Addition—Sums 1-10
- 2. Subtraction—Minuends 1-10
- 3. Addition/Subtraction 1-10
- 4. Column Addition—Sums 10 and below
- 5. Addition/Subtraction—Triplets 11, 12
- 6. Addition/Subtraction—Triplet 13
- 7. Addition/Subtraction—Triplet 14
- 8. Addition/Subtraction—Triplet 15
- 9. Addition/Subtraction—Triplet 16
- 10. Addition/Subtraction—Triplets 17, 18
- 15. Addition/Subtraction—2-digits plus/minus 1-digit
- 16. Addition—2-digits plus 2-digits
- 17. Subtraction—2-digits minus 2-digits
Mixed computation—Add, then Subtract- 19. Subtraction—3-digits minus 2-digits
- 20. Column Addition—Sums 11-18
- 21. Addition—Carry to 10's
Mixed Computation—Subtract, then Add- 24. Addition—3-digits plus 2-digits
- 25. Addition—3-digits plus 3-digits
Carry to 100's- 27. Subtraction—Borrow from 10's
- 32. Subtraction—Borrow/do not Borrow
- 35. Subtraction—3-digits minus 3-digits
- 36. Subtraction—Borrow from 100's
- 38. Subtraction—Borrow from 0
- 41. Multiply by 1
- 43. Multiply by 2
- 47. Multiply by 3
Column Addition—2-digit- 52. Mixed Computation—Multiply, then Add
- 53. Multiply—2-digit Multiplicand
- 55. Multiply by 4
- 56. Addition/Subtraction—Carry/Borrow
- 57. Addition/Subtraction—Carry/Borrow/neither
- 63. Divide by 1
- 64. Divide by 2
- 66. Divide by 3
- 69. Divide by 4
- 73. Multiply by 5
- 76. Multiply—3-digit Multiplicand
- 77. Divide to find ½
- 81. Divide by 5
- 86. Divide to find ¼
- 89. Multiply by 6
- 96. Addition—Carry to 10's and 100's
- 97. Divide by 6
- 98. Divide—2-digit Dividend with 2-digit Quotient
Divide to find ⅓- 105. Multiply by 7
- 106. Addition/Subtraction—Decimal and Dollar symbols
- 113. Divide by 7
- 121. Multiply by 8
- 124. Multiply—Carry to 10's
- 126. Divide to find ½, ¼, ⅓
- 129. Divide by 8
- 133. Divide—horizontal (÷)
- 137. Multiply by 9
- 138. Subtraction—borrow twice
- 140. Divide—3-digit Dividend with 2-digit Quotient
- 145. Divide by 9
- 146. Multiply—Carry to 100's
- 149. Divide—3-digit Dividend with 3-digit Quotient
- 153. Divide—Simply Long Division: 3-digit Quotient with Remainder
- Patterns
- Index