Grade 1 Reading Workbook Unit 1

Grade 1 [PREV EDITION] Reading Workbook Unit 1

  • Paper cover
  • 77 pages
  • 0.42 lbs

Item #1-P-11111-3

  • $5.10

Workbook for Grade 1 Reading 2nd Edition (1985-1986). This edition is not compatible with the current 3rd edition (2016).

Unit 1 contains 6 pre-reading lessons and 30 lessons designed to work with the reader. You will find directions and correct answers in the teacher's manual. The teacher's manuals are really inexpensive and you will likely not know how to proceed with the overall program and some of the exercises without it.

The reading workbook has two pages for each lesson. The exercises are closely associated to the corresponding lessons in the readers. These exercises include practice with vocabulary words, practice in writing sentences, drills for developing comprehension skills, and seatwork in various forms.

    • Weight
      0.42 lbs
    • SKU
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