Grade 6 History/Geography "Understanding Latin America" Set
- 4.62 lbs
Item #1-196--
This set includes: | # in My Cart | ||
Pupil Textbook | $28.75 | ||
Tests | $3.95 | ||
Teacher's Manual | $32.10 | ||
This set includes: 3 items |
This textbook covers the geography and history of the Latin American countries from a Biblical viewpoint. There are 12 chapters, each with 2 or 3 parts, plus review lessons.
Geographical and political features of the countries are emphasized in the first eight chapters. Climates, population, exports, and other statistical information are discussed and map skills are taught.
The last four chapters begin with a study of the ancient Indian empires, and cover Spanish exploration and conquest of the New World and move on to modern times. Glimpses of contemporary Mennonite missions in Latin America remind us of God's plan in spreading the Gospel to all mankind.
Many color and black-and-white maps, illustrations, and photographs are used. Study exercises are included. The book also has blank maps that may be traced or copied for map exercises.
A separate test booklet contains the 13 tests.
The teacher's manual includes reduced copies of the student pages, teaching helps, main concepts, Christian perspectives, and answer keys.
Supplementary items (not included):
Table of Contents
To the Teacher
- Inspiring Your Students
- Organization of This Course
- The Pupil's Book
- The Teacher's Manual
- Geographical Drill
- The Atlas
Section One—Geography
Chapter 1: Preparing to Study Latin American Geography
- Part 1: What Is Latin America?
- Part 2: Map Skills for Studying Latin America
- Review
Chapter 2: Mexico
- Part 1: Introduction to Mexico
- Part 2: Mexico's Highlands and Lowlands
- Review
- So Far This Year
Chapter 3: Central America
- Part 1: Introduction to Central America
- Part 2: Highlands of Central America
- Part 3: Coastal Lowlands
- Review
- So Far This Year
Chapter 4: The West Indies
- Part 1: The Lesser Antilles and the Bahamas
- Part 2: The Greater Antilles
- Review
- So Far This Year
*Chapter 5: Northern South America
- Part 1: The Guianas
- Part 2: Venezuela
- Part 3: Colombia
- Review
- So Far This Year
*Chapter 6: Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia
- Part 1: Ecuador
- Part 2: Peru
- Part 3: Bolivia
- Review
- So Far This Year
Chapter 7: Southern South America
- Part 1: Chile
- Part 2: Argentina
- Part 3: Uruguay and Paraguay
- Review
- So Far This Year
Chapter 8: Brazil
- Part 1: The Amazon Region
- Part 2: The Northeastern Region, the Heartland, the Mato Grosso Plateau, and the Southern Region
- Review
- So Far This Year
Section Two—History
Chapter 9: The First Americans
- Part 1: The Mayas
- Part 2: The Aztecs
- Part 3: The Incas
- Review
- So Far This Year
Chapter 10: Spanish Exploration and Conquest
- Part 1: Discovery
- Part 2: Exploration and Settlement
- Part 3: Conquest of Mexico and Peru
- Review
- So Far This Year
Chapter 11: Colonial Times and Independence
- Part 1: Spain's Colonial Empire
- Part 2: Everyday Life in Spanish America
- Part 3: Independence for the Spanish Colonies
- Review
- So Far This Year
Chapter 12: Latin America Since Independence
- Part 1: Latin Americans and Their Governments
- Part 2: Latin Americans and Other Nations
- Part 3: Latin Americans and Changing Times
- Review
- So Far This Year
*Chapters 5 and 6 are an exception to the usual pattern of one part per week. The three parts of each of these chapters may be done in two weeks.