Grade 1 Math Practice Sheets [3rd Ed]

Grade 1 Math Practice Sheets [3rd Ed]

  • Cardboard box cover
  • 954 pages
  • 5.17 lbs

Item #1-131613

  • $25.80

Practice sheets for Beginning Arithmetic 3rd Edition (current). Not compatible with the previous edition (1991).

This practice is provided in the form of reproducible worksheets to allow the teacher to tailor the amount of work to the needs and ability of the class. Each lesson lists recommended practice sheets for that day in the Follow-up section of the Teacher's Manual.

Most important are the ones in the middle of the list coded with a black circle. The first ones, marked with an open square, are more fundamental, and should be done first if the students are doing them all. The last ones, marked with an open diamond, are extra activities for challenge or interest. These should be kept for last. Since the slower students might rarely have the pleasure of doing these, try to provide occasional opportunity for them to do the extras too.

The Practice Sheets are categorized by skill. The list for each day in the Teacher's Manual names the skill and the number of that worksheet within that skill category. On the practice sheet itself, the lesson number is given in the oval at the top of the page.

These numbers correspond to the recommended listing in the Teacher's Manual, but practice sheets are intended to be flexible. Use them according to your best purposes.

Some frequently used practice sheets are called Forms, they are distinguished by capital letters.

    • Weight
      5.17 lbs
    • SKU
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