Grade 7 English "Building Securely" Set
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Item #1-127--
This set includes: | # in My Cart | ||
Pupil Textbook | $26.35 | ||
Worksheets | $4.95 | ||
Tests | $3.95 | ||
Teacher's Manual | $35.70 | ||
This set includes: 4 items |
English 7 has 125 lessons divided into 11 chapters. The first two chapters deal with sentence parts and sentence construction. Object complements and subjective complements are introduced.
Chapters 3-9 focus on the parts of speech. Verbals, progressive and emphatic forms of verbs, intransitive verbs, restrictive clauses, conjunctive adverbs, and so forth, are introduced. Ample sentence diagramming practice is included. Chapter 10 teaches concepts about capitalization and punctuation. Italics, single quotation marks, and ellipses points are introduced. Chapter 11 deals with using numerous kinds of reference books, studying words, and studying word families.
Some of the new composition skills taught are guidelines for proofreading, character sketches, and note taking. Paragraph construction outlining, letter writing, story writing, and poetry are taught at deeper levels.
A booklet of 60 worksheets offers additional practice. The sheets may be copied as needed in teaching this English course. The test booklet includes chapter tests and a final test. The teacher's manual follows the established pattern of the revised series.
Table of Contents
(Bold indicate Written Composition and Oral English lessons.)
Chapter 1 - Sentence Parts - Writing Character Sketches
- 1. The English Language
- 2. Sentences
- 3. Subjects and Predicates
- 4. Writing a Character Sketch
- 5. Direct and Indirect Objects
- 6. Predicate Nominatives and Predicate Adjectives
- 7. Nouns of Direct Address and Nouns Used as Appositives
- 8. Proofreading Your Writing
- 9. Chapter 1 Review
Chapter 2 - Sentence Construction - Writing Paragraphs
- 10. Types of Sentences
- 11. Word Order in Sentences
- 12. Clauses in Sentences
- 13. Topic Sentences and Paragraph Unity
- 14. Simple and Compound Sentences
- 15. Complex Sentences
- 16. Sentence Order and Paragraph Coherence
- 17. Sentence Transitions and Paragraph Coherence
- 18. Chapter 2 Review
Chapter 3 - Nouns - Developing Paragraphs
- 19. Identifying Nouns
- 20. Common and Proper Nouns
- 21. Developing Paragraphs by Adding Details or Giving Steps
- 22. Nouns With Regular Plural Forms
- 23. Nouns With Irregular Plural Forms,and Collective Nouns
- 24. Possessive Nouns
- 25. Developing Paragraphs by Using Examples or Telling an Incident
- 26. Verbals as Nouns
- 27. Verbal Phrases as Nouns
- 28. Identifying Noun Clauses
- 29. Diagraming Noun Clauses
- 30. Substantives
- 31. Developing Paragraphs by Giving Definitions
- 32. Chapter 3 Review
Chapter 4 - Verbs - Writing Outlines
- 33. Identifying Verbs
- 34. Principal Parts of Verbs
- 35. Simple Verb Tenses
- 36. Outlining
- 37. Perfect Tenses of Verbs
- 38. Using Perfect Verb Tenses
- 39. Progressive and Emphatic Verb Forms
- 40. Outlining Written Material
- 41. Transitive Verbs
- 42. Intransitive Complete Verbs
- 43. Intransitive Linking Verbs
- 44. Using an Outline to Write a Composition
- 45. Reviewing Basic Sentence Patterns
- 46. Taking Notes on a Sermon
- 47. Chapter 4 Review
Chapter 5 - Verb Usage - Writing Letters
- 48. Subject-Verb Agreement
- 49. Using Lay—Lie, Set—Sit, and Raise—Rise
- 50. Using Other Problem Verbs
- 51. Writing Friendly Letters
- 52. Writing Social Notes
- 53. Active and Passive Voice
- 54. Using the Active and Passive Voice
- 55. Writing Business Letters
- 56. Chapter 5 Review
Chapter 6 - Pronouns - Giving Oral Reports
- 57. Personal Pronouns
- 58. Pronoun Case
- 59. Taking Notes for an Oral Report
- 60. Using Personal Pronouns Correctly
- 61. Compound Personal Pronouns and Demonstrative Pronouns
- 62. Organizing Your Notes
- 63. Indefinite Pronouns
- 64. Interrogative and Relative Pronouns
- 65. Developing Your Report From an Outline
- 66. Giving an Oral Report
- 67. Chapter 6 Review
Chapter 7 - Adjectives - Writing Descriptions
- 68. Recognizing Adjectives
- 69. Using Figures of Speech
- 70. Positions of Adjectives
- 71. Forms of Comparison for Adjectives
- 72. Verbals as Adjectives
- 73. Descriptive Writing
- 74. Adjective Phrases
- 75. Adjective Clauses
- 76. Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses, and Misplaced Clauses
- 77. Using Adjectives Correctly
- 78. Writing a Descriptive Composition
- 79. Chapter 7 Review
Chapter 8 - Adverbs - Giving Book Reports and Explanations
- 80. Recognizing Adverbs
- 81. Writing a Book Report
- 82. Forms of Comparison for Adverbs
- 83. Prepositional Phrases Used as Adverbs
- 84. Adverb Clauses
- 85. Giving an Oral Explanation
- 86. Distinguishing Between Adjectives and Adverbs
- 87. Using Adverbs Correctly
- 88. Chapter 8 Review
Chapter 9 - Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections - Studying Poetry
- 89. Prepositions
- 90. Poetry
- 91. Using Prepositions Correctly
- 92. Coordinating Conjunctions
- 93. Conjunctive Adverbs
- 94. Rhythm in Poetry
- 95. Subordinating Conjunctions
- 96. Interjections
- 97. Review of the Parts of Speech
- 98. Rhyme and Repetition in Poetry
- 99. The Message of Poetry
- 100. Chapter 9 Review
Chapter 10 - Capitalization and Punctuation - Writing Stories
- 101. Capitalization
- 102. Story Writing: Portraying the Main Character
- 103. End Punctuation
- 104. Commas
- 105. Story Writing: Developing the Conflict
- 106. More Rules for Using Commas
- 107. Quotation Marks
- 108. More Quotation Marks
- 109. Story Writing: Using Good Style
- 110. Colons and Semicolons
- 111. Italics (Underlining)
- 112. Story Writing: The First Draft
- 113. Apostrophes and Hyphens
- 114. Story Writing: The Second Draft
- 115. Chapter 10 Review
Chapter 11 - Using Reference Books - Writing Effective Sentences
- 116. Using a Dictionary
- 117. Groups of Related Words
- 118. Writing Effective Sentences
- 119. Word Families
- 120. Encyclopedias and Atlases
- 121. Concordances, Topical Bibles, and Bible Dictionaries
- 122. Sentence Variety in Paragraphs
- 123. Chapter 11 Review
- 124. Final Review 1
- 125. Final Review 2
Chapter 1
- 1. Direct and Indirect Objects (Lesson 5)
- 2. Predicate Nominatives and Predicate Adjectives (Lesson 6)
- 3. Appositives and Nouns of Direct Address (Lesson 7)
- 4. Proofreading a Story (Lesson 8)
Chapter 2
- 5. Word Order in Sentences (Lesson 11)
- 6. Topic Sentences and Paragraph Unity (Lesson 13)
- 7. Simple and Compound Sentences (Lesson 14)
- 8. Complex Sentences (Lesson 15)
- 9. Sentence Order and Coherence (Lesson 16)
- 10. Sentence Transitions and Coherence (Lesson 17)
Chapter 3
- 11. Identifying Nouns (Lesson 19)
- 12. Developing Paragraphs by Adding Details or Giving Steps (Lesson 21)
- 13. Plural Nouns (Lesson 23)
- 14. Developing Paragraphs by Using Examples or Telling an Incident (Lesson 25)
- 15. Verbal Phrases as Nouns (Lesson 27)
- 16. Noun Clauses (Lesson 28)
- 17. More Noun Clauses (Lesson 29)
- 18. Substantives (Lesson 30)
Chapter 4
- 19. Principal Parts of Verbs (Lesson 34)
- 20. Using Verbs in Perfect Tense (Lesson 38)
- 21. Outlining Written Material (Lesson 40)
- 22. Transitives Verbs (Lesson 41)
- 23. Intransitive Complete Verbs (Lesson 42)
- 24. Intransitive Linking Verbs (Lesson 43)
- 25. Basic Sentence Patterns (Lesson 45)
Chapter 5
- 26. Subject-Verb Agreement (Lesson 48)
- 27. Using Lay—Lie, Set—Sit, and Raise—Rise (Lesson 49)
- 28. Using Can—May and Let—Leave (Lesson 50)
- 29. Using Other Problem Verbs (Lesson 52)
- 31. Active and Passive Voice (Lesson 54)
Chapter 6
- 32. Personal Pronouns (Lesson 57)
- 33. Pronoun Case (Lesson 58)
- 34. Using Personal Pronouns Correctly (Lesson 60)
- 35. Compound Personal Pronouns and Demonstrative Pronouns (Lesson 61)
- 36. Indefinite Pronouns (Lesson 63)
- 37. Interrogative and Relative Pronouns (64)
Chapter 7
- 38. Forms of Comparison for Adjectives (Lesson 71)
- 39. Verbals as Adjectives (Lesson 72)
- 40. Adjective Phrases (Lesson 74)
- 41. Adjective Clauses (Lesson 76)
Chapter 8
- 42. Recognizing Adverbs (Lesson 80)
- 43. Adverb Phrases (Lesson 83)
- 44. Adverb Clauses (Lesson 84)
- 45. Distinguishing Between Adjectives and Adverbs (Lesson 86)
- 46. Using Adverbs Correctly (Lesson 87)
Chapter 9
- 47. Prepositions (Lesson 89)
- 48. Using Prepositions Correctly (Lesson 91)
- 49. Coordinating Conjunctions (Lesson 92)
- 50. Rhythm in Poetry (Lesson 94)
- 51. Subordinating Conjunctions (Lesson 95)
- 52. Rhyme and Repetition in Poetry (Lesson 98)
Chapter 10
- 53. Practice With Capitalization (Lesson 101)
- 54. Practice With Commas (Lesson 106)
- 55. Quotation Marks (Lesson 108)
- 56. Colons and Semicolons (Lesson 110)
- 57. Italics, Apostrophes, and Hyphens (Lesson 113)
Chapter 11
- 58. Using a Dictionary (Lesson 116)
- 59. Writing Effective Sentences (Lesson 118)
- 60. Word Families (Lesson 119)