Grade 3 English Worksheets
- Paper cover
- 70 pages
- 0.38 lbs
Item #1-12323-3
70 tear-out worksheets for Beginning Wisely.
Designed for extra practice for specific lessons that may need more practice (not every lesson has a worksheet). The answer key is found in the back of the teacher's manual.
Unit 1 Worksheets
- 1. Alphabetical Order
- 2. Recognizing Sentences
- 3. Telling Sentences
- 4. Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates
- 5. Asking Sentences
- 6. Subjects and Predicates in Asking Sentences
- 7. Commanding and Exclaiming Sentences
- 8. Subjects and Predicates in Commanding Sentences
- 9. Names and Initials
- 10. Quotation Marks
- 11. Capitalization in Quotations
- 12. End Marks in Quotations
- 13. Capitalization
- 14. Punctuation
- 15. Spelling Correctly
Unit 2 Worksheets
- 16. Nouns
- 17. Proper Nouns
- 18. More Proper Nouns
- 19. Other Proper Nouns
- 20. Singular and Plural Nouns
- 21. Plural Nouns and Possessive Nouns
- 22. Plural Nouns Not Ending With s
- 23. Words in a Series
- 24. The Work of Pronouns
- 25. Pronouns That Tell Whom
- 26. Using a Noun and a Pronoun Together
- 27. Commas With Nouns and Pronouns
- 28. More About Commas
- 29. Using Pronouns Correctly
- 30. Possessive Pronouns
- 31. Correcting Poor Speecn Habits
Unit 3 Worksheets
- 32. Action Verbs
- 33. Past Forms of Verbs Without ed
- 34. Singular and Plural With Verbs
- 35. Using Verbs With There
- 36. Helping Verbs
- 37. Contractions
- 38. Subjects and Predicates
- 39. Direct Objects
- 40. Diagraming Sentences With Direct Objects
- 41. More About Direct Objects
- 42. Writing Sentences in Correct Order
- 43. The Topic of a Paragraph
- 44. Working With Titles
Unit 4 Worksheets
- 45. Working With Adjectives
- 46. Adjectives That Tell How Many and How Much
- 47. Noun Markers
- 48. Adjectives That Tell Whose
- 49. Adverbs That Tell How
- 50. Adverbs Ending in ly
- 51. Adverbs That Tell When
- 52. Adverbs That Tell Where
- 53. How, When, and Where
- 54. Adjectives and Adverbs
- 55. Well and Good
- 56. The No Words
- 57. Using the No Words Correctly
- 58. Writirig a Story From Pictures
- 59. Clear Word Pictures
- 60. Writing Smoothly
Unit 5 Worksheets
- 61. Homophones
- 62. Words With More Than One Meaning
- 63. Synonyms and Antonyms
- 64. Describing a Place
- 65. Giving Clear Directions
- 66. The Friendly Letter
- 67. The Parts of a Friendly Letter
- 68. Rhyme
- 69. Rhythm
- 70. Helps for Writing Poetry
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